References: -
- Instructions 7 to 10 in Annexure VII of Fundamental Rules
- G.O.Ms.No.295 Fin FR-I Dept.dt.14-09-1964
- G.O. Ms. No.390 Fin, Dt.26-11-64
- G.O.Ms. No.47 Fin, dt.12-02-65
- G.O.Ms.No.112 Fin, dt.22-07-69
- G.O.Ms.No.270 F& P FWFR-I Dept., Dt.30-06-1976
- G.O.Ms. No.407 F&P FW FR-I Dept.dt.18-09-76
- G.O.Ms. No.205, Fin, Dt.08-06-1980
- G.O.Ms.No.360, F&P, Dt.24.12.1980
- G.O.Ms.No.257, F & P dt:05-01-81
- G.O. Ms. No,275 F&P (FW FR-I) Dept.dt.15-05-81
- G.O.Ms.No.124 F&P dt:13-4-82
- G.O.Ms.No.137, M&H (EL) Dept., Dt.23.02.1984
- GO Ms.No.358 F&P (FWFR-I) Dept.dt.26-12-84
- G.O.Ms.No.10 F&P(FR I) Dt.24.01.1992
- G.O.Ms. No. 263 Fin & Plg. (FW.FR.I) Dept.22-06-1993
- G.O.Ms. 470 G.Admn.(SER.WEL) Dept. Dt. 16-09-1994.
- G.O.Ms. 1036 G.Admn. (SER.WEL) Dept. Dt. 29-11-1995.
- G.O.Ms.No.317 G.Admn.(AR&T.III) Dept. Dt. 08-09-2000
- G.O.Ms. 351 G.Admn.(AR&T.III) Dept. Dt. 18-10-2000
- G.O.Ms No.44 F&P FR-I,dt.05-02-06
- G.O. Ms. No.433 GAD(SW-II)Dept. dt.04-08-10
- G.O. Ms. No. 52, Finance (FR.I) Dept., dated:01-04-2011
- G.O.Ms.No.18, Fin. (HRIV, FR & LR) Dept., dated 10.03.2021
Important Points: -
- Will not count against ordinary C.L.
- The competent authority will have the discretion to withhold the Grant of SCL in exigencies of Govt. work.
- When summoned to serve as junior or assessor to give evidence and to stand as witness in civil and criminal cases.
- For Donating Blood – 1 day
- For Family Planning operations: Male – Vasectomy I & II operations - 6 days; Female – Tubectomy I & II operation – 14 days. Male – for Tubectomy of wife -7 days. Female –Salpingectomy after Medical Termination of pregnancy – for I & II times also -14 days. Male – Wife undergoing MTP I & II time also - 7 days. Female - Insertion of Intra Uterine Contraceptive Devices – 01 Day.
- Additional C.L. beyond the limit due to post operation complications subject to production on Medical Certificate.
- Recanalization - 21 days or actual period of hospitalization whichever is less. Can be prefixed or suffixed to regular leave or C.L.
- On account of presence of following infectious diseases in an employee’s house - small pox, plague, cholera, typhoid, acute influenza pneumonia, diphtheria, cerebra-spinal meningitis, measles - not exceeding 21 days of SCL on production of certificate from Medical Officer - can be extended up to 30 days
- For participating in sporting events – not exceeding 30 days. If exceeded 30 days; excess period treated as regular leave.
- Principal Office bearers of Recognized service Associations represented on the A.P. Civil Services Joint Staff Council – 21 days in a calendar year.
- To attend Vipasana Meditation Course -10 days at Vipasana International Meditation Centre Hyderabad. Special casual leave shall be admissible depending upon the need once in 3 years and maximum 6 times during the entire service period. Forty-Five (45) days for the Officers of the age of 45 years and above and rank of Dy. Secretary to Government and above in the scale of Rs. 10950-350-17575(RPS-1998)
- Participating in trekking expeditions 30 days
- Disabled Ex-service men re-employed as Civilian in State Govt. services for appearing before Medical resurvey board for the reassessment of disability and to go to hospital for treatment-15 days of SCL.
- To participate in Rallies, Comps etc. Organized by A.P. Bharat Scouts and Guides -10 days.
- For participating in Cultural Activities – not exceeding 30 days selected by Government of Cultural Associations.
- Period of 45 days as recommended by Civil Surgeon.
- Members of Institution of Engineers: (a) For attending annual Meetings at Hyd -7 days of SCL in a calendar year; (b) For attending annual convention to any part of the country- 10 days of SCL in a calendar year.