References: -
- Fundamental Rules – 101 (a)
- G.O.Ms.No.384, F&P (FWFR.I), Dt.05.11.77
- G.O.Ms.No.219, F&P (FWFR.I), Dt.25.06.84
- G.O.Ms.No.38, F&P, Dt.18.03.92
- G.O.Ms.No.254 Fin & Plg. (F.W.-FR-I) Dept. Dt. 10-11-1995
- G.O. Ms. No. 37 Fin & Plg. (FW.FR-I) Dept. Dt. 26-02-1996
- G.O.Ms.No.69 Fin & Plg. (F.W.-FR-I) Dept. Dt. 06-06-2003
- Circular Memo. No. 2415/401/FRI/2006 Fin (FRI) Dept. Dt. 01-07-2006.
- G.O.Ms.No.254 Panchayat Raj & Rural Dev., (MDL.II), Dept Dt. 31-05-2007
- G.O.Ms.No.152, Fin (FR.I), Dt.04.05.10.
- G.O. Ms. No. 52 Fin (FR-I) Dept. Dt. 01-04-2011
- G.O.Ms.No.17, Fin. (HR.I Plg. & Policy) Dept., Dt.31.01.2019
Important Points: -
- Admissible to married female Governments, for a period not exceeding 90 days for each confinement.
- Period of leave enhanced from 90 days to 120 w.e.f. 10-11-1995.
- Period of leave enhanced from 90 days to 120 to the Female Teacher s working in Aided Institutions on par with female Government Servants w.e.f. 06-06-2003.
- To permit competent authorities for sanction of 120 days maternity leave without remuneration to the married female Panchyat Secretaries appointed on contract basis.
- Period of leave enhanced from 120 days to 180 days w.e.f. 04-05-2010.
- In case of miscarriage including abortion, leave does not exceed 6 weeks.
- government clarify that the abortion leave also has to be granted by the competent authority to the married female Government servant to those with less than two surviving children.
- The leave application should be supported by a Medical certificate.
- This leave can be combined with leave of any other kind, supported by medical certificate.
- Irrespective of the fact whether a single child was born, or twins were on the second or subsequent confinements a female Government Servant shall be eligible for the grant of Maternity leave if only one child born earlier is alive.
- Leave should not be granted if female Government servant is having two living children.
- If leave falls during vacation, the leave and vacation put together should not exceed 120 days.
- Salary is equal to the leave salary on full pay not exceeding 180 days.
- This leave is not debatable to the leave account.
- For sanction of Special Leave as recommended by Civil surgeon up to maximum 45 days for women employees who undergone Hysterectomy operation without debiting the same to the regular leave account of the individual and on payment of full pay and allowances