References: -
- Fundamental Rule 85,
- APL Rule 16,19,23(a)(ii)
- Circular Memo.No.21102-B/371/A2/F.R.I/98 Fin & Plg.(Fw.FR-I) Dept. Dt. 07-08-98.
- Circular Memo. No. 4392-B/124/A2/Admn.II/02/98 Fin (ADMN-II) Dept. Dt.04-02-02
Important Points: -
- May be granted to a permanent Government Servant in superior service and the last grade service in special circumstances.
- Leave Salary: No salary
- When no other leave is available.
- when leave is available, but if the Government servant request for grant in writing.
- The sanctioning authority can treat the period of absence without leave into E.O.L.
- Maximum period for absent on leave of any kind is 5 years, in case of permanent Government employee.
- E.O.L. granted on medical certificate counts for qualifying service.
- Gazetted Officers are to submit medical certificate from a doctor not below the rank of civil Surgeon. N.G.Os and last grade employees are to submit medical certificate from any registered medical practitioner.
- HOD can permit E.O.L. on M.C. for not more than 6 months to count for grant of increment.
- For non-permanent Government servant E.O.L Shall not exceed 3 months.
- If completed 3 years of service – 6 months on production of Medical Certificate.
- For undergoing treatment (T.B., Leprosy) 18 months.
- For SC`s and S.T`s HOD can sanctioned E.O.L. for 12 months for Cancer of Mental illness.
- EOL on MC counts for increment, pension,
- EOL on pvt. Affairs – not count for increment,
- Counted upto 3 years for pension, EL account will be deducted by 1/10th
- H.O.D. can sanction E.O.L. TO S.C`s and S.T`s for 24 months for prosecuting studies.
- Government directed that all the authorities competent to sanction leave should sanction leave on Medical certificates(i.e.) E.L., H.P.L., Commuted Leave, L.N.D., Maternity Leave, Hospital Leave, Special Disability Leave E.O.L., only in cases where the leave application is accompanied by a Medical authority. If the Medical Certificate is enclosed along with the application, the leave on Medical certificate should not be sanctioned. However in very exceptional cases where the employee may not be in a position to obtain certificate immediately, for instance in cases such as where an employee meets with an accident and is hospitalized or hospitalized due to sudden illness and not in a position to obtain Medical Certificate at the time of submission of application for the grant of leave on Medical Certificate, the employee concerned may be permitted to produce the Medical Certificate at the time of rejoining duty after expiry of Leave, along with the Certificate of fitness to rejoin duty. If the medical Certificate is not produced along with the fitness certificate at that stage, but sanction only on private affairs.
- EOL sanctioned on medical grounds counts for increments under FR 26(b)(ii). For this, the Government Employee concerned need not represent for the same, since it is the duty of the Head of Department concerned.
- When the period of EOL is less than 6 months or up to 6 months and beyond that the Government as per the delegation allowed under 26 (b)(ii).