References: -
- G.O.Ms.No.132, Fin. (HRIV FR) Dept., Dt.06.07.2016
Important Points: -
- Leave for women employees to look after two eldest children up-to the age of 18 years (22 years in case of disabled children) for any of their needs examinations, sickness etc.
- Temporary / Permanent Employees
- Two (02) months, not exceeding 15 days in a spell and in 6 spells.
- Child shall be dependent and residing with Govt. servant. Children aged below18 years or below 22 years (disabled)
- Can be availed with Maternity leave or any other leave except with CL and SCL.
- LTC cannot be availed during this leave.
- Separate leave account for this leave shall be maintained in the prescribed proforma as mentioned in G.O. and shall be kept along with S.B
- Leave Salary: on full pay prior to leave with proportionate DA and allowances HRA & CCA up-to 6 months