Public Services - Subordinate Services-Scheme
of Compassionate Appointments to the dependents of deceased Govt. Employees who
die in harness Conditional appointments to the candidates who do not possess
minimum Educational / Typewriting qualifications to hold the post - Further
orders issued.
2. G.O.Ms. No. 577, G.A. (Ser.A) Dept. dated 29-10-1993.
3. G.O.Ms. No. 76, G.A. (Ser.A) Dept. dated 15-3-1995.
4. G.O.Ms. No. 969, G.A (Ser.A) Dept. dated
5. G.O.Ms. No. 400, G.A. (Ser.A) Dcpt. dated 12-9-1996.
In Pare 2 (vii) of the G.O. first read above,
it has been ordered that where Typewriting is an
essential qualification to a post, the candidates who do not possess the qualification;
may be considered for appointment to such categories or post under the scheme
or compassionate appointment, subject to the condition that they should acquire
such qualification within two years after such appointment. It was also ordered
in par 2 (viii) or the said G.O. that the minimum qualification required to
hold the post nr Junior Assistant in Heads or Departments. Directorates is a Degree
and in Subordinate Offices. Intermediate and the candidates for compassionate
appointment who do not possess the said qualifications can be considered for
appointment. If they possess atleast Intermediate/Tenth Class qualification
respectively by giving reasonable time to acquire higher qualification prescribed
under rules to hold such post.
2. Subsequently in G.O.s second and third
read above. Govt have directed that a maximum period of (2) years to five years
to acquire Degree qualification be allowed in respect or candidates appoint on
Compassionate grounds to the posts of Junior Assistants in Sub-ordinate Offices
and heads of Departments and Secretariat as the case may be.
3. Further. in the G.O. fourth read above, Government have directed that in cases of dependents of the deceased Government
employees, who do not possess the minimum educational qualification or
Typewriting qualification prescribed for the post to which they arc appointed
with a condition to acquire such requisite qualification within the stipulated
period prescribed in the G.Os. first to third read above. fail to acquire such
requisite qualification may be allowed / given a further period (2) more years
over and above the period prescribed in the G.Os first to third read above as a
grace period to acquire such requisite Educational or Typewriting qualification
prescribed for the post to which they were appointed. It has also been directed
therein that if the candidate concerned fails to acquire the requisite Educational
or Typewriting qualifications even within the above extended grace period, then
he / she may be considered for appointment for a lower post such as an Attender
where such Educational or Typewriting qualification is not prescribed and
accordingly he / she may be appointed in a lower post such as an Attender as if
he / she is a fresh candidate after obtaining the willingness of the candidate.
If he/she is not willing to take the lower post it shall be treated that there are
no compelling reasons of poverty and such candidate be discharged from service.
4. Government has an occasion to consider
issue of orders to place such of those candidates on probation, who are
Appointed conditionally on Compassionate grounds to acquire requisite
Educational / Typewriting qualifications within stipulated period, under the
Scheme of Compassionate appointments to the dependents of deceased Government
Employees who die in harness, either from the date of their initial appointment
or from the date of passing the examination, after they acquired the requisite
qualification within the stipulated period including the extended grace period provided in the
G.O. fourth read above.
5. The Government after careful examination
hereby direct that the candidates appointed conditionally, from 30-10-1991, i.e.,
from the date of issue of the G.O. Ms. No. 612, General Administration (Ser.A)Department dated 30-10-1991, under the scheme of Compassionate appointments to
the dependents of deceased Government Employees, with a condition to acquire the
minimum Educational / Typewriting qualification, prescribed for the post in
which they are appointed within the prescribed periods, shall be temporary to
start with and their services shall be regularised duly placing them on
probation from the date of their initial appointment, if they acquire the
requisite Educational / Typewriting qualification prescribed for the post, to
which they are appointed within the prescribed periods specified in the G.Os
first to fourth read above.
6. Government also direct that if the
candidates appointed conditionally under the Scheme of Compassionate
appointments fail to acquire the requisite Educational / Typewriting
qualifications even within the extended grace period provided in the G.O. Ms.No. 969, G.A. (Ser.A) Dept., dt. 27-10-1995 then action will be taken against
such candidates as per the orders issued in para (6) of the said G.O. Ms. No.969, G.A. (Ser.A) Dept. dated 27-10-1995.
(By order and in the Name of the Governor of
Andhra Pradesh)
Chief Secretary to Government